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Moja zgodba

Odkar pomnim, sta hrana in kuhanje moja strast in navdih. Branje, usposabljanje, potovanje in vodenje restavracij so mi pomagali izboljšati kuharske veščine, a v kuhinji pričarati nekaj nepozabnega je zame še vedno največji izziv.

Začelo se je, ko sem kot mnogi drugi nadobudni kuharji v Sloveniji končal srednjo šolo za gostinstvo in turizem na Bledu. Po odsluženem vojaškem roku sem zaključil pripravništvo in nadaljeval z izobraževanjem na akademiji za kulinariko Le Cordon Bleu v Parizu, kjer sem uspešno opravil izpite iz kuharstva in slaščičarstva ter pridobil La Grande Diplome.

Radovednost in želja po navdihu sta me zanesla v špansko Malago, kjer sem pridobil prve izkušnje s tapas hrano.

Po letu dni sem se vrnil v Slovenijo in pomagal pri postavitvi restavracije v največjem nakupovalnem centru v Sloveniji. Ker je bila ljubezen do kuhanja večja kot veselje do vodenja restavracije, sem prevzel vodenje kuhinje v prvi španski restavraciji, odprti v Sloveniji.

V naslednjih letih sem kot zunanji sodelavec aktivno sodeloval pri odprtju številnih novih restavracij. Dodatna izobraževanja v Angliji, Franciji in Avstriji so mi prinesla veliko novega znanja, širine in razumevanja kulinarike, pri vsem tem pa me je gnala ljubezen do kuhanja.

V številkah:

  • 27 let v kulinariki
  • 19 let kot vodja kuhinje
  • 8 let v slaščičarstvu
  • 1 od treh sodnikov slovenskega Masterchefa

My story

Since I can remember, my inspiration and passion has always been about food, especially cooking. Sure, the reading, training, travelling and running restaurants have helped me refine my cooking skills, but making magic happen in the kitchen has always been my first love.

Like many others in Slovenia, my first training was in the Bled College of Catering and Tourism. After a stint in military service I finished my apprenticeship and continued my education at the Cordon Bleu school in Paris, where I received a Grand Diplôme.

For a complete change of scene – and plenty of inspiration – I took myself off to Malaga in Spain where I immersed myself in a full-on tapas kitchen: plenty of work experience there!

I brought this back with me to Slovenia, where I opened my first restaurant (for Interspa). But my love of cooking surfaced again and my management duties kept me away from the kitchen! So I took a job as head chef in Slovenia’s first Spanish restaurant.

Following that I spent a few happy years setting up new restaurants, doing consultancy work, all while fitting in more training courses in the UK, France and Austria. My understanding of gastronomy was constantly improving... but with my love of cooking always being the heart and soul of everything I did.


  • 27 years in gastronomy

  • 19 years as head chef

  • 8 years as chef de pâtisserie

  • 1 of three judges Slovenian Masterchef
